There search is being implemented by SE “Center for Social Expertise named after Yu. Saenko” on request of the Ukrainian Center for Public Health Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Project Manager: Trofymenko O.V.
Implementation period: 09.2018 – 12.2020
The purpose of the study was to assess the prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and C, STIs among transgender people in Ukraine, and to identify the main behavior alfactors that may beassociated with the presenceofinfection.
Methods of research: epidemiological, quantitative, statistical.
Methodology of the research: inordertoform a sample, the RDS methodology will be applied.
Geography of the study: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Chernivci, Herson, Lviv.
Study sample: 1000 respondents (900 transgender women, 100 transgendermen).