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Center for Social Expertise

“Reasons of late detection of multi-resistant tuberculosis (MR TB) and planning of interventions to reduce the spread of generalized forms of tuberculosis”

The research is being implemented by SE “Center of Social Expertises named after Y. Saenko” on request of the Ukrainian Center for Public Health Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Manager: Trofymenko O.V.

Implementation period: 09.2018 – 06.2019

The purpose of the study: to analyze regional peculiarities of diagnostic algorithms for MR TB and to develop a plan of measures to eliminate the causes of late detection of MR TB; to analyze the prevalence of causes and factors of the occurrence of generalized forms of tuberculosis and to provide recommendations for the planning of interventions to reduce their spread.

Objectives of the study:

  • Analyze regional diagnostic algorithms for MR TB.
  • Identify barriers to patient access to diagnosis of MR TB in regions with different levels of coverage of TB cases by molecular genetic testing methods.
  • Identify the main causes of late detection of MR TB in the regions.
  • Develop recommendations for the optimization of MR TB detection algorithms and plan measures to eliminate the causes of late detection of MR TB.
  • Carry out an analysis of the prevalence of causes and factors for the formation of generalized forms of tuberculosis.
  • Provide recommendations for planning interventions to reduce their distribution.

The design of the study was combined, and is based on the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods, and work with both primary and secondary information.

Research methods: epidemiological, document analysis, in-depth interviews.

Object of study:

  • primary medical records of patients with TB patients, algorithms for diagnosis of MR TB in the regions;
  • Opinions of health care professionals and national experts;
  • data from the eTB-manager registry.

Geography of the research: Dnipropetrovsk region., Kirovograd region., Mykolaiv region., Odessa region., Kherson region.

Study sample: 60 in-depth interviews with experts at national and regional levels, data from primary medical records – 500 completed forms.


Based on the results of the study, an analytical report was prepared: