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Center for Social Expertise

“Barriers to the treatment of tuberculosis (including stigma)”

The research is being implemented by SE “Center of Social Expertises named after Y. Saenko” on request of the Ukrainian Center for Public Health Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Manager: Trofymenko O.V.

Implementation period: 09.2018 – 06.2019

The purpose of the study is to determine the existence of barriers, including stigma, for the treatment of tuberculosis (hereinafter – TB), study their prevalence and the impact on adherence to treatment, to describe the gender characteristics of barriers to TB treatment.

Objectives of the study:

  • Identify available barriers to TB treatment (including stigma and discrimination) and determine their prevalence.
  • To investigate the factors leading to the emergence of barriers to TB treatment and the possibilities for their elimination.
  • Describe gender specific barriers to TB treatment.
  • Explore how the available barriers affect adherence to TB treatment.
  • Provide guidance on the steps that can be taken to timely identify barriers to treatment and reduce their impact on adherence to treatment and in the future on treatment outcomes.

The research design is combined and based on the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods, and work with both primary and secondary information.

Methods of research: epidemiological, statistical, in-depth interviews.

Target groups of the study:

  1. patients with tuberculosis (those undergoing treatment);
  2. patients with tuberculosis (those who refused treatment);
  3. national level experts;
  4. Medical personnel working in the field of tuberculosis control.

Based on the results of the study, an analytical report was prepared: