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  • (044) 255 75 41 
  • (044) 253 14 01
Center for Social Expertise

Opinions of IDPs on socio-economic and political situation in Ukraine

Project Manager: A. Trofimenko

Project implementation period: November 2016 – January 2017

Project aim: to collect and analyze the opinions of internally displaced persons in relation to the socio-economic and political situation in Ukraine.

Geography of research:

Oblast N
Donetsk 300
Lugansk 150
Kharkiv 150
Dnepropetrovsk 100
Lviv 100
Kyiv 100
City of Kyiv 100
Total 1000

Criteria for the selection of respondents: The survey was conducted among the registered persons and persons having independent business (or did not register their status): 90% of registered IDPs, 10% of unregistered IDPs.

The survey was conducted:

  1. In a specially organized places of residence of IDPs (specialized base camps, dormitories, modular towns).
  2. In the clusters of IDPs (NGOs and official institutions, near offices of Oschadbank and Ukreximbank, etc.).
  3. In the places of residence of IDPs (by prior arrangement, on the basis of telephone numbers, in coordination with NGOs).

Survey method: face-to-face interview.