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  • (044) 255 75 41 
  • (044) 253 14 01
Center for Social Expertise

In terms of the project “Estimation of the number of transgender people in Ukraine” the preliminary calculations of the number of transgender people were prepared based on the results of biobehavioral research

In terms of the project “Estimation of the number of transgender people in Ukraine” the preliminary calculations of the number of transgender people were prepared based on the results of biobehavioral research, as well as the results of responses to inquiries sent to various structures and organizations (NGO “Insight”, Territorial Medical Unit”Psychiatry”, VBO “Convictus of Ukraine”, State Statistics Service, State Migration Service of Ukraine, Kyiv City Psychoneurological Hospital №2, Kyiv City Psychoneurological Dispensary №5, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukrainian education quality assessment center, etc.).

A preliminary list of experts at the national and regional levels has been compiled for further in-depth interviews.

A guide has been prepared for in-depth interviews with experts. Preparations for the field stage is ongoing.