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Center for Social Expertise

Project Manager Olesia Trofymenko made a presentation on Estimate of Transgender Population Number in Ukraine at a meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Biobehavioral Research

Project Manager Olesia Trofymenko made a presentation on Estimate of Transgender Population Number in Ukraine at a meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Biobehavioral Research, held on October 30, 2019 at the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss new rounds of estimation of the size of two key groups – people who inject drugs and transgender people.

Participants of the meeting: specialists of the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH, ICF “Alliance of Public Health”, international experts of “CDC, UNAIDS”, representatives of key groups and relevant non-governmental organizations.

The presentation “Estimate of Transgender Population Number in Ukraine” included the following sections:

  1. Research methodology
  2. Target group of the study
  3. The objectives of the study
  4. Initial data
  5. Research methods
  6. Data sources
  7. Research tools
  8. Geography of the study
  9. Data analysis.

At the end of the meeting, key issues were discussed and the outcome of the Working Group meeting was summarized.
