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Center for Social Expertise

On May 15, Project Manager OlesiaTrofymenko took part in a meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Biobehavioral Research to address topical issues

The working group was organized and held by the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The manager reported on the implementation of the field phase of biobehavioral research among transgender people, which ended in April 2020.

The presentation addressed the implementation of the field stage, mainly:

  1. Challenges and features of the field stage during quarantine
  2. The duration of the field stage of the study and implemented sample
  3. Quality control of the field stage
  4. Difficulties in the implementation of the field stage
  5. Following steps.

After the presentation, the manager answered all the questions of participants of the Working Group meeting.

Please see the presentation attached:IBBS_TG