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Center for Social Expertise

“Detection of tuberculosis among villagers”

The research is being implemented by SE “Center of Social Expertises named after Y. Saenko” on request of the Ukrainian Center for Public Health Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Manager: Trofymenko O.V.

Implementation period: 09.2018 – 06.2019

The purpose of the study is to identify the factors contributing to the spread of TB among the rural population, to describe the prevention methods used in the villages, and to identify the most suitable and effective methods for early diagnosis of TB among people living in villages.

Objectives of the study:

  • Explore the factors that promote the spread of TB among people living in villages and identify measures to reduce the impact of these factors.
  • Estimate how the clinical routes of patients with suspected TB in clinical trials of patients living in villages are in line with the clinical protocol and what are the ways to optimize them.
  • Identify methods used for early diagnosis of TB in the rural population, their availability and offer opportunities for optimization.
  • Describe TB prevention methods used in rural areas and scale them down according to the efficiency.
  • Provide guidance on steps that can be taken to optimize TB prevention and clinical route for patients with suspected TB in the countryside.

The design of the study was combined, and was based on qualitative and quantitative research methods, and work with both primary and secondary information.

Methods of research: epidemiological, statistical, document analysis, in-depth interviews.

Object of study:

  1. primary medical records, filled in at the family outpatient clinics and pharmacists for patients with TB patients under medical supervision;
  2. Clinical routes are available in family outpatient clinics and Feldsher-obstetrician stations;
  3. opinions of medical professionals and national experts.

Geography of the research: Odessa region., Chernigiv region., Kharkiv region., Zakarpattya region.

Study sample: 800 medical forms, 10 in-depth interviews with experts (national level), 24 in-depth interviews with medical staff (regional level).


Based on the results of the study, an analytical report was prepared: